The Beginning

I have never written a blog in my life, but I have decided to create one this time. There are various reasons for this.

Firstly, it is for keeping as a memo. I enjoy thinking about various things, and the subject can be just about anything. To not forget them, I wanted to leave some scraps lightly to remember them. And this is not limited to just "thoughts," but also "feelings." I don't want to forget the positive feelings that arise. If there is anything I can share that I am working on, I want to store the logs here. If it can help or be a reference for someone, it would be a bonus.

The second reason is for practicing English. I am not very good at English. However, the need for English seems to have come sooner than expected. Through the Vue.js community, there are many situations where I need to communicate in English, and there have been quite a few occasions where I have to speak face-to-face in English. I realized it was becoming a problem. I will practice a bit on this blog (I'll start English conversation practice... a little later).

In short, this blog is more self-centered and free-spirited, rather than something beneficial for others. (Wasn't a blog supposed to be like that?)

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