Random Note 2024-06-21


State of JavaScript 2023
The 2023 edition of the annual survey about the latest trends in the JavaScript ecosystem.
State of JavaScript 2023 favicon https://2023.stateofjs.com/en-US/
State of JavaScript 2023

Vite is soooooooo awesome.

Nuxt is too.

Vue is also moving in the right direction.


yesterday, we hold vite-study#10.

we read this blog. so great.

Hot Module Replacement is Easy - Bjorn Lu
If you've built projects with Vite, chances are you've also used Hot Module Replacement (HMR). HMR allows you to update your code without...
Hot Module Replacement is Easy - Bjorn Lu favicon https://bjornlu.com/blog/hot-module-replacement-is-easy
Hot Module Replacement is Easy - Bjorn Lu

basic concept of Vite's HMR (lifecycle, boundary, accepts, etc...)

Now I can better understand how and where replacement or reload occurs when an update occurs to the module shown in this image.

Hot Module Replacement is Easy - Bjorn Lu
If you've built projects with Vite, chances are you've also used Hot Module Replacement (HMR). HMR allows you to update your code without...
Hot Module Replacement is Easy - Bjorn Lu favicon https://bjornlu.com/blog/hot-module-replacement-is-easy
Hot Module Replacement is Easy - Bjorn Lu


Relearn the design system

since yesterday, I'm work on design system at one project.

so, I started relearn the design system.

fow now, I'm reading the "デザイントークンの作り方".

[受注生産] デザイントークンのつくりかた - 単行本(新装版) | putchom
概要2023年のFigmaのグローバルカンファレンスConfigでVariablesが発表され、デザイントークンはますます注目を集めています。しかし、デザイントークンという言葉は聞いたことあるものの、デザイントークンとは何なのか、また、何から始めたらいいかわからない方も多いのではないでしょうか。本書では、これまでGMOペパボ株式会社で複数のブランド向けにデザイントークンを設計した際に得た知見や、株式会社スマートバンクでモバイルアプリ向けにデザイントークンを設計した際に得た知見を共有します。デザイントークンを利用するメリットから実際の作り方まで幅広く網羅していますので、これからデザイントークンを設計する皆さんのお役にたてると幸いです。[著者]putchom(Ryo Fukushima)GMOペパボ株式会社でSUZURIのデザインリード及び共通基盤デザインシステムInhouseの設計を担当し、2022年のFigmaのグローバルカンファレンスConfigにて「One design system for multiple brands」を発表。現在は株式会社スマートバンクにて家計簿プリカB/43のプロダクトデザイン及びデザインシステムの設計を行っています。特徴デザイン読書日和で販売した通常版に新コンテンツを追加の上、小口染め加工などを加えた新装版としてグレードアップ予定です。注意この商品は受注生産商品です。発送までお時間をいただきますのでご了承ください。
[受注生産] デザイントークンのつくりかた - 単行本(新装版) | putchom favicon https://putchom.square.site/product/how-to-create-design-tokens/1
[受注生産] デザイントークンのつくりかた - 単行本(新装版) | putchom

and I thinking about design tokens, tailwind css, css design, storybook, vue...

after all, I decide to do not use tailwind. and design grained css from scratch.

Cognitive Load is what matters

GitHub - zakirullin/cognitive-load: 🧠 Cognitive Load is what matters
🧠 Cognitive Load is what matters. Contribute to zakirullin/cognitive-load development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - zakirullin/cognitive-load: 🧠 Cognitive Load is what matters favicon https://github.com/zakirullin/cognitive-load
GitHub - zakirullin/cognitive-load: 🧠 Cognitive Load is what matters

this is good.

TypeScript 5.5 Released

new topics form rc:

Inferred Type Predicates

Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.5! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like […]
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript favicon https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-5/#inferred-type-predicates
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript

Needless to say, key feature.

Control Flow Narrowing for Constant Indexed Accesses

Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.5! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like […]
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript favicon https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-5/#control-flow-narrowing-for-constant-indexed-accesses
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript

TypeScript is now able to narrow expressions of the form objkey when both obj and key are effectively constant.

function f1(obj: Record<string, unknown>, key: string) {
    if (typeof obj[key] === "string") {
        // Now okay, previously was error


OpenID Connect

The JSDoc @import Tag

/** @import { SomeType } from "some-module" */


Regular Expression Syntax Checking

Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.5! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like […]
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript favicon https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-5/#regular-expression-syntax-checking
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
let myRegex = /@robot(\s+(please|immediately)))? do some task/;
//                                            ~
// error!
// Unexpected ')'. Did you mean to escape it with backslash?

In fact, TypeScript’s checking goes slightly beyond syntactic checks.

Support for New ECMAScript Set Methods

Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.5! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like […]
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript favicon https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-5/#support-for-new-ecmascript-set-methods
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript

union, intersection, difference, symmetricDifference, isDisjointFrom, isSubsetOf, isSupersetOf

details: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods

Isolated Declarations

Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.5! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like […]
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript favicon https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-5/#isolated-declarations
Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript

Scraps / Isolated Declarations

Digital Agency publish the OpenID Connect Based Authentication API.

APIリファレンス(民間事業者向け) | デジタル認証アプリ | ドキュメント | デジタル庁 開発者サイト
APIリファレンス(民間事業者向け) | デジタル認証アプリ | ドキュメント | デジタル庁 開発者サイト favicon https://developers.digital.go.jp/documents/auth-and-sign/authserver/
APIリファレンス(民間事業者向け) | デジタル認証アプリ | ドキュメント | デジタル庁 開発者サイト
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