About This Scrap


There are several motivations for this scrap.

I wrote something similar in blog/beginning as well, well.. it's pretty much the same thing, haha.

You may have noticed from this sentence as well, but this scrap is much more colloquial compared to a blog.
I would like to use more casual English, thoughts, and summaries, and use it as a log.

Why is the name of this scrap "ubScrapb■x?" Well, it's mostly because it's a rip-off of yamaScrapbox lol.

yamanoku / nippoまとめ / nippo-2024-09 / 2024-09-11 / 2024-09-10 / 2024-08-27 / TAKAみちのく / 【Les Enfants du Paradis】 world's end girlfriend / ザ・スーパーマリオブラザーズ・ムービー / ミュータント・タートルズ:ミュータント・パニック! / 2023-09-27 /
yamaScrapbox favicon https://scrapbox.io/yamanoku/
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